Technocrat Animals

Its been two years now that new technology farms came into existence courtesy Napoleon and his colleagues at Animal Farm. They sent Snowball from the technology farm in the Hills to manage the new technology farm in the Plains and Snowball undoubtedly did a great job. He worked hard recruited workers for the new farm and also worked at creating the windmill which would give them power and increase their efficiency. After setting up this farm Snowball was asked to go back to his own farm. A new manager, Squealer, was appointed for this farm. Squealer arrived one hot summer afternoon and was welcomed by Clover, Boxer, Benjamin and Raven. At the first barn meeting Squealer told the animals that they would be given good working conditions so that they can work to their maximum. He said that all would be treated equally and given the same privileges. The next step that Squealer took was to arrange his work place. While the other animals were given cubicles in small barns, Squealer kept a large barn for himself and had it furnished. One AC for 5 animals and 2 ACs for Squealer himself. The moment equality turned into inequality, the Raven and Benjamin with Boxer and Clover raised their voice.
As a result another barn meeting was called. In that meeting Squealer was asked questions by Benjamin and Boxer but before Squealer could reply, the Raven gave a hoarse cry and in came some beastly dogs. Though Benjamin and Boxer saved themselves, the other animals were left frightened. Then Raven addressed the gathering and said that since Squealer is working for the growth and prosperity of their technology farm, he needs to be given special treatment.
And so after some days, the animals saw some of the birds working at Squealers house and while the other animals walked on foot, Squealer bought a BMW!


Enjoyed the read. This Squealer of yours seems to have been repatriated from a fish farm where he may have worked as a tainee (as is locally known). By textualising him, I have this suspicion that he has been given greater dignity than he deserves.
I thought so but later I thought I should let him have his moment of glory!

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