Women and chicken

Two men were heard in a conversation:

Speaker 1: Can you eat chicken, daily?

Speaker 2: No, I can not. I need a change.

Speaker 1: Then how can a person live with one wife throughout his life?

This is what our world is like. On the one hand, we celebrate women and womanhood on the 8th of March every year, 2010 being special due to the women's reservation bill. But the sad thing is that in a country like ours where women are compared to female gods and put on a pedestal during navratri, in everyday life they do not have any voice or say and are left compared to birds! That is indeed derogatory. 

A girl has no say in the choice of her partners, except a very small percentage of the female population. Once married, the husband's house is her home where she must survive or perish (in terms of her identity). Generally people make attempts at survival through compromise. Nothing bad in that. But what do you in case of neglect and rejection and complains of boredom?

This is where the thin line which separates man from animals disappears! and one is left wondering: What sin did we commit to be born as women?


'Like the murmurs of spirits in the darkness, the forgotten words echoed. The quest of the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one.
For a moment he thought he heard a woman's voice...the wisdom of the ages..whispering up from the chasm of the earth.'
One day the truth will dawn upon humanity.
Until then the children of Shadwell shall celebrate.
Anonymous said…
this is really a sad state of affairs.... people who believe in indian culture are very proud of the fact that women are worshipped as goddesses in india.... but this extreme is also not acceptable... by assinging women the position of goddesses they actually turn them into statues- they don't want them to have a say... they want them to be caring and self sacrificing... there are only two kinds of women that they know- mothers and wanton women... those who are not mother figures are wanton women and so must be despised... they are no better then chicken for them...
Anonymous said…
perhaps..even the language does not have an apt word to describe women properly..
Rightly said so, Priyanka. The sons of shadwell, as Prof. Dutt says, have been taught 'bird watching' right from the moment they start crawling! sadly most women enjoy torturing other women. Perpetrators of crime against women portray themselves to be women's advocates on other occasions.

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